Hands down. It would have been Eddard.
See how ironic it would have been. A rebellion started with his Father’s death(Eddard) and ended with the birth of another Eddard Stark.
In the show too. Talisa suggested Robb that they are going to have that name for their son. Maybe show runners wanted us too feel that connection so that the death would leave us in a more shocking state.
Anwesh Mukherjee
I'm only here for the rude symbolism.
78w ago
If it was a boy, Eddard/Ned in memory of his father. Talisa actually suggests it, in the show. It's pretty clear from Robb's reaction that he would more than happily accept it.
If it were a girl, and Talisa did not suggest any other name, Robb may have named her Lyanna, after his aunt. Or maybe even Catelyn. He may have even named her after one of his sisters, Sansa or Arya.
Jakub HandlÃÅ™
lives in Prague
78w ago
Brandon (for boy)
It’s a Stark family tradition and it would make his crippled brother happy and honored.
Lyanna (for girl)
Robb’s poor aunt who was strong yet beautiful.
Hanover Fiste
I never read the books never will. But i know these timelines very well
78w ago
In the books he is married to jeyne westerling and she is still alive. Their is always a possibility she is pregnant but I think her mother might of been giving her something to prevent pregnancy, unknown to jeyne. So if she was pregnant I think the baby would be posthumously named after robb
Charles Ricoletti
Greatest fantasy book series of all time if you ask me.
78w ago
Eddard, its practically stated right before they all get killed.
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