READ: How To Choose Your Bridesmaids: 6 Things To Consider - SyCtRenDs



Saturday, September 1, 2018

READ: How To Choose Your Bridesmaids: 6 Things To Consider

You probably have a lot of friends, now you are staring at all their pictures and wondering who should be your wing girls. Choosing who will stand up with you on your big day may seem daunting, but don’t worry—we’re here to walk you through the steps. So take a deep breath, we promise it’s not as tough as it seems.
Relax. Choosing your bridesmaids needn’t be a nightmare. Prioritizing what’s important is the key to arriving at a list that pleases everyone—even you. So what’s on your priority list?
How To Choose Your Bridesmaids
1. Decide on the number of Bridesmaid you want.
This is the first step. You need to decide (with your man) how many people each you’re to bring on the bridal party. Once you have a figure, start penning down names as they pop into your head. From that Bunkie back in Uni to that girl you met at Shoprite….LOL. It’s normal for random people to pop up in your head due to the excitement. Go girl! You’re getting married!

2. Narrow down the choice.
Write an exhaustive list of everyone you’ll like to have on your train, and then narrow down to say top 10. This will be your second list but not final.
3. Think about the responsibilities and their competence
Do you want slay queens or conservative girls? Dancers? Size 8? Can they stand for long? Do they relate well with people? Are they cordial with your man? All these questions will need to be answered before you decide on who to settle for.

4. The lifestyle and current situation of those you intend to ask
Be conscious of your friends currently life situations. Is there one of your intending Bridesmaids nursing a baby? You already know that is a disaster, right? Or another that just lost her job (better still, just got a job in another city). Will they be available to attend to your demands and needs (which will be a lot!)?

5. Shortlist your finalists
Make a final list by shortlisting. Cross out names on the previous list as you go.

6. Be sure before you ask
Once you ask, there is no going back. Are you cordial enough with this person? Does this person have the patience a good bridesmaid need in case you become a bridezilla? Consider how they’d fit in with the rest of your bridal party. If you don’t think they’d mesh with your people, leave them off the list.

Now pop the question! Ask them to be your Bridesmaids. Here are  creative ways to ask your friends to be your bridesmaids

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