READ: 5 Ways You Are Wasting Your Youth Without Even Knowing It - SyCtRenDs



Tuesday, October 2, 2018

READ: 5 Ways You Are Wasting Your Youth Without Even Knowing It

The youthful phase is actually the important stage of life as this is the time when whatever you do determines how good or bad your future will be. Again, this is the period people often unknowingly wastes and end up with miserable lives. 

Here Are five (5) Ways You Are Misusing Your Life. 

1. Thinking Life Is All About Fun 
Most youths thinks life is all about fun only because they have no or fewer responsibilities. 
This is quite normal with youths especially the youths of today. They have such a mentality that life is all fun. 

If you are among this kind of youths and you think all you got to leave for is fun, then be sure you are lavishing your life. 

2. Having No Goals Or Dreams To Fight To Accomplish. 
Most youths of today forget that they should strive to set up goals to drive them in life. 
Every youth should strive to set goals to fight for, because a life without goals is like driving a vehicle without fuel. 

The most contemptible life to live is life without goals. Some of today's youth only live because they have to live, thereby, forgetting to set up goals for themselves. 

3. Unwilling To Work 
The most important thing to tackle in life is laziness. 
Being lazy has no fruits to yield, so wake up from that comfort and go out there. 

It is a clear sign you are wasting your life if you have never had the thoughts to do work and make some money for yourself. 

4. Misuse Of Hard Drugs 
Drugs and alcohol are what most youths today sleep and wake up to. They easily forget that these are only in place to block their future and destroy their lives. 

Saying No To These Would See Your Future Shine Bright.

5. Always Been Bothered By Things People Say about You. 
Don't allow people to rule your world for you. Do not let other people's opinions about you ruin your visions. Instead, use them as a ladder for your greatness and climb higher in life.

Many young people are bothered by what people around them say about them, and it always leads to their inability to make life what they want it to be. 


It is high time you wake up from your comfort zone and set up goals for yourselves; 
You are being given a life to live, and it is left for you to make it look beautiful or Not. 
If you have set goals for yourself, Don't quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as champions.
Remember, what you sow today, it's what you reap tomorrow. 
Do not waste your youthful periods because you will regret a lot. 

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