Hillary Clinton, states that, she is Is the only one who provides a pathway to equal Citizenship. - SyCtRenDs


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hillary Clinton, states that, she is Is the only one who provides a pathway to equal Citizenship.

Secretary of state US, Hillary Clinton, has disclosed that, In a recent interview, she talked about how Europe must reject right-wing nationalism and authoritarianism, including by addressing migration with courage and compassion.

  also, she gave a comprehensive speech about this last month.
On both sides of the Atlantic, stating that the country, needs reform. 

Not open borders, but immigration laws enforced with fairness and respect for human rights. 

Stating that, the US can’t let fear or bias force them, to give up the values that have made the country's democracies both great and good.In Europe, nationalists like Hungary’s Viktor Orban are exploiting this challenge to stoke fear and resentment. 

Expressing that, to defeat them and protect democracy, the EU needs a more comprehensive policy that builds societies that are both secure and welcoming.

She further, said she has always been and remain a staunch advocate of comprehensive immigration reform that’s true to US values and treats every person with dignity, provides a pathway to full and equal citizenship and brings millions of hardworking people into the formal economy, fixes the family visa backlog, upholds the rule of law, and protects our borders and national security.

Stating that, President Trump has made it worse with cruel abuses at the border, detaining children and separating them from their families. 

Emphasizing that, it is one of the most shameful moments in our history.

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