Secrets you don't know about plastic recycling business in Nigeria - SyCtRenDs


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Secrets you don't know about plastic recycling business in Nigeria

Nigerians who have thoughts about starting their own business are definitely in search of good ideas. In this post, we want to tell you how to start plastic recycling business in Nigeria.

Plastic issue

Take a short walk across Lagos or another big city in Nigeria, and you will notice what foreign visitors and experts talk about all the time. Many African countries suffer from plastic waste overload. It can be seen everywhere.

Tones of plastic garbage pollute the world, and while this is a big issue, it is also an incredible opportunity for young business minds. What exactly do you need to start your own plastic recycling business in Nigeria? What plastic recycling machine do you have to purchase? What opportunities are offered to recyclers in Nigeria?

Plastic recycling business in Nigeria

Not many people know that plastic recycling as a business can bring you revenue of millions of U.S. dollars, if you develop it and grow to the amazing heights.

Besides earning thousands of Naira per month, recyclers in Nigeria can enjoy the following advantages:

No need for significant capital at the beginning of your business.You can work with well-known recycling factories without buying plastic recycling machine yourself.Your business can change our world for a better and safer place to live.You can earn enough money to support yourself and your family.It is possible to source all the plastic you gather and earn extra money by selling some wastes items.There are enough plastic bags, water bottles, product wrappers, cellophane and other things in Nigeria to work with.

According to different sources, you can possibly sell 1 kilogram of polythene for up to 55 Naira. What if you can gather 100 kilograms on a daily basis? You could earn 5500 Naira a day or over 140,000 Naira per month if you work 26 days each month.

What if you have a big company that can supply 1000 kilograms of plastic waste per day? Yay, your salary can be way better, and everything depends solely on hardwork and how much you are willing to work to earn money and get rid of Nigerian plastic waste.

Recyclers in Nigeria: main steps

Step 1. Before you can build any type of business, you should learn more about the problem it is meant to solve. Since we are talking about plastic recycling, you need to learn everything about plastic problems, recycling and how plastic recycling machine fixed the issue in many modern countries across the globe.
Step 2. Each business needs a good business plan. No company can be successful without such a plan, so spend time and think about all possible problems, issues you can come across. Write a plan for how you can earn money. Maybe you can attend some conferences and workshops (some experts offer free online courses) and gain new knowledge.

Step 3. While you don’t need big money to start recycling business in Nigeria, you still need to look for investments because finding plastic and waste is not everything you need. You also have to rent or lease or use your own vehicle (and gas) to transport everything you find to the factory that will recycle your plastic. Even at this stage, you can save some money if you find recycling companies near the places where you collect plastic waste.
Step 4. You'll need to pay for the licenses because every business needs a license.

Step 5. At this stage, you can also think about renting plastic recycling machine, or you can get it later if you find recycling companies that are interested in working with you. You also need to get additional furniture and equipment such as scales to weigh plastic waste, bins, sorting and grouping equipment, washing gear, etc.

Step 6. Think about the physical location of your office. Every company needs an office. It can be your base where you will receive plastic waste from communities before transporting it to the recycling companies. You might have to contact your local government to find a good place for storing and recycling waste.

Step 7. When you know where to collect plastic and have made contacts with companies that will recycle your waste, you need to look for communities and people who can deliver plastic to you for recycling purpose (you can pay them a percentage from what you earn when selling waste to other recycling firms or motivate them to bring waste for free). Build the relationship and offer awesome customer service.
Step 8. Promoting your business is a very important step. You have to advertise the environmentally friendly attitude, motivate Nigerians to recycle and make the country a better ecological place.

Step 9. Think about investing in plastic recycling machine when you earn some money. This will be a great investment because if you can recycle waste at your office, you will earn even more than when offering your waste to someone else.

Step 10. When your business starts bringing you revenue, you need to add more services to your product line. You can recycle plastic, paper, electronics, metal, etc. Every additional service will bring you more money, which is great for further development and growth.
Step 11. Keep searching for partners, both in Nigeria and outside the country. It can be beneficial to export some of the waste and resell them to foreign companies that pay more than local firms.

It is time to turn all the waste you can find nearby into money!

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