Amnesty Nigeria, writes on how protesters where paid to disrupt their work . - SyCtRenDs


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Amnesty Nigeria, writes on how protesters where paid to disrupt their work .

The Nigerian amnesty, has revealed that they, have been working on Nigeria since 1967. 

Stating that, 2017 and 2018 are different. On March 20, 2017 a group of ‘sponsored’ protesters barricaded our office and asked them to quit Nigeria within 24 hours. 

Disclosing that, from  20-23 March 2017, the protesters kept mobilizing what appeared to be hired crowds from outskirts of Abuja to sustain a siege at their office. 

Further revealing, they explained that, throughout days of the protests, always there was an end of the day moment of sharing money at Unity Fountain. 

Also, In May this year 2018, ahead of launch of their report “They Betrayed Us” - on rape, starvation and detention of women in satellite camps in Borno state, protesters again barricaded their office. 

Again, the association, state  that the protesters too were caught on video, fighting while sharing money meant as payment for those who participated in the protest. 

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