Young man blames God for loosing girlfriend to cancer - SyCtRenDs



Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Young man blames God for loosing girlfriend to cancer

Love is a beautiful thing, life is best lived with those, whom make you happy at all odds.

Sadly this young Nigerian man, has lost his happiness to death due to cancer.

The young man shared his heart breaking story on Twitter, on how bravely his lover Darasimi, fought cancer.

Sharing her pictures and a video of her dancing, even in her bad health, he exclaimed that she is the best human ever.

Revealing how she helped him secure a job and made him a happy man.

He sited that, she trusted God would heal her, but her healing never came.

His words are so touching, it attracted a lot of condolence comments and retweets.

To love someone is beautiful, to loose them can be devastating.

Read his tweets and see photo of her:.

May her soul rest in Peace!

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